Remove any hoses attached to outdoor spigots and ensure insulators are properly installed on ALL spigots. If you have one of those plastic bell insulators and it doesn’t fit snuggly against the wall, try the flexible sock/envelope insulators. Take any measures to help prevent hose or pipe freezing/bursting per your lease. In the event that the insulator gets damaged then run the spigot at a slow trickle during the course of the freeze.
To further help prevent pipe freeze, open under-sink cabinet doors on sinks that are on the opposite side of exterior walls. This will help warm air circulate around some of the plumbing.
Let me know if your water stops working. This could mean that the line is freezing. If that is the case, please turn off your home/unit’s water at the owners shut off (aka “S/O” on the in-ground box lid). It’s a valve almost like the outdoor water spigot/valve but under a lid between the water meter and the house/unit. It might help prevent pipe break when it thaws. Call me if you need any guidance.
In the event of any freezing rain it could weigh down tree branches. If that occurs, please check pets, vehicles, or other items under sagging branches that can be moved to avoid possible damage if the branches break. Also refrain from walking under.